Giáo án smart start i learn grade 4 (4 tiết /tuần) mới nhất


Period: 1                                                   THEME 1: NUMBER

                     Lesson 1: ( P1 – A + WB a,b )



I. Objectives:  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Count from 0-9 and make a phone call

*Moral lesson:You should remember your parent’s number when you’re out.

II. Language contents:

1. Vocabulary:  zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

2. Sentence pattern:

III. Teaching Aids:

- CD track 2

- Flash cards: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

IV. Procedure:

1. Warmer :

- Sing a song “ Let’s count from 1 to 20”

2. Presentation:

Task 1: Listen and repeat.

-         Arrange the flashcards on the board:  zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

-         Play audio and have students listen and repeat.

-         Point to the flashcards along with the audio. Repeat several times.

Task 2: Listen, point and say.

-         Play audio again and have students listen, repeat and point to the pictures in their  


-         Change the order of the flashcards, point to them individually and have students say the words, correct pronunciation when needed.

3. Practice

Task 3: Pair and group work

-         Group work : + Group leader stand up and say the word

                      +  The member listen and point.

-         Pair work     : + One say and one point then change.

 Task 4: Play game “ Who’s faster”

    Give students  some pieces of paper about the number ( from 0 -9 ). Say the words. The students have to catch the paper which have that  word. The winner is the student has  the most papers.

      4. Production

Task 5: Do exercises

-         Do exercises in WB / 2:  A : Look at the number and circle.

                                              B : Look at the number and write

-         Correct mistakes.

V. Homework.

- Learn the number from 0 to 9.

VI. Comments






Period: 2                                                   THEME 1: NUMBER

                                                         Lesson 1: ( P2 – B + WB C,D )



I. Objectives:  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Count from 0-9 and make a phone call.

*Moral lesson:You should remember your parents’ number when you’re out.

II. Language contents:

1. Vocabulary:  zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

2. Sentence pattern:  What’s your phone number ?

                                     It’s ……

III. Teaching Aids:

- CD tracks 2 – 5.

- Flash cards: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

IV. Procedure:

1.      Warmer:

-         Play game: ‘What number is it?”

 T uses the flash card and hold it up then asks “ What number is it?. Students observe and guess what number is in the flashcard.

2.      Presentation:

Task 1: Listen and read

-         Using the picture and ask some questions : 

§  + What is this ? ( It’s a school bus )

§  + How many people are there in the picture? Who are they?                           

§  + What’s Tom’s Dad doing? Is he OK?

§  + Call out the phone number you can see.

-         Listen and read.

+ What is the question in the dialogue? “ What’s your telephone number?”

3.      Practice

       Task 2: Listen and circle

-         Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.

-         Play audio and have students listen and circle.

-         Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.

  Task 3: Ask and answer

-          Say the structure: What’s your phone number ? It’s ……

-         Pair work : Ask and answer about the phone number



4.      Production

Task 4: Look and write C /WB

-         Write the number in the blank by looking at the number

-         Look at the number, ask and answer then write on the book.

Task 5: Write D/ WB

-         Ask and answer about the number.

-         Correct mistakes.

V. Homework

Ask your friend’s phone number.

VI. Comments


Week: 1

Period: 3                                                  THEME 1: NUMBER

                                                                            Lesson 1: ( P3 – C.D.E )



I. Objectives:  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Count from 0-9 and make a phone call

*Moral lesson:You should remember your parents’ number when you’re out.

II. Language contents:

1. Vocabulary:  zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

2. Sentence pattern:  What’s your phone number ?

                                     It’s ……

III. Teaching Aids:

- CD tracks 6 – 8.

IV. Procedure:

1.      Warmer: Matching

      -Put the flashcards (number) on the board.

     -Ask students to choose the correct flashcard and stick it by the word. Then get students to read all the words.


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